Our First One!

Our First One!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Jason's New Ride

Jason's New Ride

Jason recently purchased a new tri bike. Well his first tri back really. He's had a road bike for a couple of years now and it was time for him to get a new one. Of course if anyone knows Jason he was a little apprehensive but in the end he purchased it and got a sweet deal at that. We are hoping for big things to happen with this new bike! 

Being Prepared Makes It Easier!

Being Prepared Makes It Easier!

Here is a picture of our kitchen counter Sunday night. What you see here will last us most of the week. These items include fresh veggies, fruit, boiled chicken, protein powder, salad and boiled eggs. We add to it usually on Wednesday. This is what we carry in our lunches and includes our snacks. We use some of these items for dinner as well. With our busy schedule we don't always have the time to come home and cook. So it's great to have something already prepared that we can just reach into the fridge and grab. On days that I'm home at a decent time I'll cook something. I find that it's easier for us to eat clean and stick to a healthy diet when we are prepared. If I find myself without a healthy snack available I'll make the wrong choice of eating something sweet or carb loaded. Being prepared makes it easier!